
Volunteers Make AYSO Possible

How Does AYSO Do It?

Did you know that nearly 4,000 children participate in Albuquerque’s AYSO program? Creating a positive and organized environment for these players requires the support of hundreds of volunteers every year. From coaches and referees to board members and field markers, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference.

Volunteering is not just about helping the league, it’s about creating unforgettable memories for your child and giving back to the community. Even a small contribution of your time can have a big impact.

Do I Need Soccer Experience?

Not at all! Most volunteers start with little to no knowledge of soccer. All you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to help. Many roles don’t involve touching a soccer ball at all.

Volunteer Training

Region 104 provides free training, tools, and resources to help you succeed in your volunteer role. You’ll also have access to mentors and contacts who can answer questions and guide you as you get started.

What If I Don’t Like Being Outside?

No problem! There are over 75 administrative positions that support AYSO off the field, from coordinating schedules to managing equipment and more. There’s truly a role for everyone.

A 100% Volunteer-Run Organization

AYSO operates entirely on the dedication of its volunteers. Whether you prefer working with players directly or contributing behind the scenes, your involvement is essential to keeping the league running and maintaining the spirit of AYSO.

Every team needs:

  • AYSO Certified Coach

  • AYSO Certified Assistant Coach

  • At least one AYSO Certified Referee

  • (For older age groups) At least one AYSO AYSO-certified assistant Referee

  • Team Manager

  • Registration Volunteer

Each division also requires:

  • A Commissioner to coordinate games, equipment, and players

  • A Registrar to manage player registrations

  • A Referee Scheduler for older divisions

  • A Field Marker

  • An Equipment Manager to liaise with the Regional Equipment Manager

Join Us!

Instead of wondering how things could be better, step up and be the “someone” who makes it happen! Volunteering with AYSO allows you to lead by example, show your children the value of teamwork, and contribute to a meaningful program.

Take a moment to explore the available positions and see where you can make a difference. Together, we can keep AYSO a fun, positive experience for every child.

Position Descriptions

AYSO Region 104 thrives because of our dedicated volunteers. Whether you enjoy being active outdoors or prefer contributing from the comfort of home, there’s a role for everyone. Explore the positions below, along with their time commitments and training requirements, to find the perfect fit for you.

Active Roles (On the Field)


  • Responsibilities: Lead a team of players through practices and games, teaching skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

  • Training: Safe Haven and Concussion Awareness courses, plus an age-appropriate coaching course (all provided for free).

  • Time Commitment:

    • Up to 2 practices per week and 1 game on Saturday.

    • Prep time and administrative tasks.

    • Total: 80+ hours per season (16 weeks).

Assistant Coach

  • Responsibilities: Support the head coach during practices and games. Step in if the coach is unavailable.

  • Training: Same as Coach.

  • Time Commitment:

    • Attend practices and games (time depends on age group, typically 1-3 hours/week).


  • Responsibilities: Enforce the rules, promote sportsmanship, and ensure a safe playing environment. Referees can be as young as 12 years old.

  • Training: Safe Haven and Concussion Awareness courses, plus referee certification (free).

  • Time Commitment:

    • Referee 1+ games per week during the season (16 weeks).

    • Optional monthly meetings to learn and connect with other referees.

Field Marker

  • Responsibilities: Line fields at parks to prepare for games.

  • Training: On-the-job training to learn field marking techniques.

  • Time Commitment:

    • 2-4 hours/month, typically on Thursday or Friday evenings.

Active Roles (Behind the Scenes)

Division Commissioner

  • Responsibilities: Oversee a division, including registration, team balancing, coach coordination, scheduling, and more.

  • Training: 2-hour training session.

  • Time Commitment:

    • 2-4 hours for pre-season meetings and setup.

    • 0-4 hours/week during the season for coordination and communication.

Field Marking Administrator

  • Responsibilities: Ensure each field has a trained field marker and required equipment. Work with division commissioners and field markers to coordinate field preparations.

  • Training: On-the-job.

  • Time Commitment:

    • ~20 hours in August, ~10 hours in February, 0-2 hours/month the rest of the year.

Team Manager

  • Responsibilities: Handle team logistics, including rosters, pictures, trophies, snacks, trash duty, and team communication. Ensure two adults are present at all practices and games.

  • Training: On-the-job.

  • Time Commitment:

    • Less than 1 hour/week during the season.